New Deal Gin No. 1 50ml
New Deal Gin No. 1 50ml
We craft Gin No. 1 in the pioneering spirit of the Pacific Northwest making it a favorite of gin enthusiasts looking for a unique twist on the classic gin flavor profile. Our custom-designed pot still allows botanical oils and tannins to remain as distinctive notes on the palate, creating a buttery and herbaceous sipping gin or a unique addition to your favorite savory cocktails.
Citrus oils and juniper berry tannins produce distinct citrus notes followed by notes of cracked black pepper for an overall round and mellow tone with a silky texture and celery salt finish. Try New Deal Gin No. 1 in a dirty martini, Bloody Mary, Silver Fizz or herbaceous sour.
U.S. Shipping
U.S. Shipping
Shipping to residential addresses in 40+ states is available for select New Deal spirits through our third-party e-commerce partners at Barcart. As each state has its own policies regarding the shipment of alcohol, entering your zip code will determine which products are available for shipping in your area. Orders typically ship out from warehouses on the East and West Coasts within 24 hours of placing your order on our site. Visit our FAQ page for more info.
Visit Us!
Visit Us!
We love experimenting with quality ingredients and collaborating with local craft producers, which is why you’ll find a unique selection of beer, wine, cider, and home cocktailing supplies in our Bottle Shop. Explore our selection of hyper-local and high-quality mixers, bitters, cocktail syrups, and garnishes as well as our line of small-batch craft spirits.
We’re open daily from 12-6pm and would love to have you visit our shop for easy weeknight wine and beer to go, gifts and special occasion bottles, home bar and cocktail making supplies, exploratory spirit tasting and flights, weekend mini cocktails, chats, and high fives.
Easy Local Pickup is available 7 days a week. During normal business hours, local pickup orders are ready within one hour. Pull up in our loading zone on SE Salmon Street and we'll bring your order out to you.
Award Winning Gin
Award Winning Gin
Gin No. 1 was awarded a Silver Medal at the 2014 American Craft Spirit Awards, an annual spirits competition hosted by the American Craft Distillers Association, the national nonprofit trade group representing the U.S. craft spirits industry.
Pink Cashmere Recipe
This pretty pink cocktail is a delicious combination of citrus, gin, and soft, cloud-like foam. Dry shake (no ice) all ingredients. Open the tin, add ice, and shake hard again. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a small rosemary sprig. Turn on Prince’s “Pink Cashmere” and enjoy.